
This is not a new discovery or a late life realization. I’ve known this my whole life but I was reminded of it yesterday, when I woke up at 8 o’clock on a Saturday morning next to three remote controls, my Nook and Chuck Palahniuk’s Invisible Monsters. When people continue to disappoint, or when everything in life is just not as pretty as I imagined it to be, I return to my ultimate saviour, my pure joy: endless fiction.

In the past month, I think I’ve only gone out once: a fruitless shebang for a friend’s birthday. After x amount of drinks, I went home alone at 4am, not even drunk but a $100 poorer. What did I get from it? Nothing but 8 more tagged photos on Facebook which I don’t even care about.

Hence, I’ve completely isolated myself in pure fiction since: I recharged my Nook, bought 2 more e-books, scoured my pile of unread books and buried myself in bed with episodes of Parks and Rec. Have I upset myself since? Nope. These are my heroes. They never disappoint, they only entertain in genius ways possible. Meanwhile, I get a virtual poke on the phone from a friend, asking me to come out and catch up only to be disappointed in less than 24 hours of planning a desperate tete-a-tete. Moral lesson of the story? Don’t let humans interfere with your relationship with your books, your movies or your TV shows. At least these heroes are not as costly as dealing with people and their endless crap.

I sound so anti-social and hateful right now, my mom should be proud.