The Next Cube Design Star

Is it just me or is there already a presumed competition for the best cube ever in between employees at the workplace? It was just probably my competitive self screaming at me when I saw my coworker’s cube elaborately decorated with flower petals and fancy looking paintings and sappy love notes from her boyfriend. Jeez, not only should I prove to everyone that I have an excellent work ethic: I should also have a pretty decent cubicle if I want to get noticed. So I came up with a list on how to be the next Cube Design Star at work that I can also share with everyone:

  1. Make sure your work area is clean and dust-free. No one likes a dirty desk with a dusty phone and computer. A handy rug inside one of your drawers is advised.
  2. Of course, a hand sanitizer is necessary. It adds to that clean feeling. Just leave one somewhere where it can be seen by people passing your cube.
  3. Pictures. Pictures of your dog, your boyfriend, your friends or your family are necessary so your coworkers would think that you actually have a life outside work and that you are liked or at least you like people in general.
  4. Paintings too, to be artistic.
  5. Plus, color pens in every shade of every color. Besides it giving off an artistic vibe, it can also mean you’re organized and detail-oriented.
  6. So don’t forget sticky post-its with those pens.
  7. A recognition plaque of some sort that is posted somewhere noticeable. It shows you actually excel on something even if it’s probably for some pointless achievement back when you were twelve.
  8. Books are also needed definitely. But too many textbooks can be a little obnoxious, so diversify a bit by adding some magazines.
  9. Some display that you’re a fan of the local football/basketbal/baseball team needs to be hung on your cube wall for an easy conversation starter. Or try a framed photo of a famous band like The Beatles.
  10. A kitschy travel souvenir from some exotic place you’ve been to so it can translate to being adventurous and being well traveled.
  11. Candies too so people have a reason to come over your cube and talk.
  12. Lastly, some fresh flowers delivered to your cube from an imaginary boyfriend for your imaginary anniversary to make all the other women in the office jealous.

I’ll add more to this when I know better. But I’m pretty sure this list will potentially get me somewhere.

Man Vs Food


This is not a post about eating food that has more than four legs or anything squiggly. This is also not about the super sizes of fast food with an equally ginormous drink that come with it. This is about food in general, and how extremely challenging it is to keep the daily caloric intake below 2000 or in my case, 1200/1400 in a world of delicious food.

I am not anorexic nor bulimic. I love food. So much. But why can’t something taste so flavorful without the heavy burden of a thousand calories? It is really sad sometimes because the food with the most calories? The best kinds. I hope I didn’t care so much but who can eat all that food without fearing to become one of America’s morbidly obese?

Cheese fries. Milk shake. Plain french fries. Ice cream. Onion rings. Hot dogs. Pizza. You know, the good ones. They taste so amazing but the calories? Forget it. Put the “healthy” factor in the equation, you get tofu fries or some dry turkey burgers. Not exactly flavorful. And oh my god, Sugar. The killer. They now have zero calorie sweeteners but who would prefer that in donuts, cookies, bread, cupcakes, cakes, brownies, chocolates and cookie dough? Uh, no one.

Don’t even get me started with carbs. Rice: hibachi rice, sushi, fried rice, the list goes on. Noodles and pastas too. I wish I can eat these deliciousness to my heart’s content but nope, I’m always coerced to stop at a certain point. Oh and how can I forget: beer. I am in my early twenties therefore I go out on weekends mostly which involve heavy drinking. The fat I can gain over the weekend from that plus greasy hangover food can be really, really ridiculous it’s depressing. If I actually start recklessly demolishing food, I’d probably be as big as my paternal aunts: none of them weigh less than 200 lbs.

What’s frustrating too is the fact that a whole meal from Mc Donald’s complete with a drink and a side only cost less than 4$. But if I head to Panera for a healthier option, it would cost me more than $10. Ah, their Broccoli Cheddar soup is heaven in a bowl. But the price tag is always tough. Come to think of it, being healthy is expensive: Whole Foods Market is, and gym memberships, and protein supplements. And healthy food in general.

Ah. Enough of this. This is hopeless. And this is just making me hungry.